In order for an educational program to be academically sound and have effective instruction, it must be founded upon Christian education principles that recognize the true nature of God, of truth, of knowledge, and of man.

  1. Reality
    God is the personal and purposeful Creator, the Guiding Force of the universe. Reality in life involves the understanding that God is real and is active in the lives of men and women today.

  2. Truth
    All truth is God's truth. Truth is consistent throughout the universe. Truth exists and is absolute. God has shown Himself through His Scriptures. Man's understanding of truth comes through a study of the inspired Word of God and an understanding of His Creation.

  3. Absolutes
    Christian Education offers absolutes, not selected or transient opinions. As Christian Educators, we have the privilege of being convinced and convincing; we are saying, "Thus saith the LORD". We can deal in those things that are always true. The Bible contains origins, destinies, values, and meaning.

  4. Knowledge
    All knowledge must be put in the context of Bible truth. Any knowledge or personal conviction that serves as a guiding principle in an individual's life must be based on truth as revealed in God's inspired Word.

  5. Unity
    Facts do not exist by themselves; they exist in relation to other facts. Christian Education removes dichotomies and meaninglessness and, in doing so, contributes to sound mindedness. Christian Education acknowledges Jesus Christ as the focus of ALL knowledge since “by Him all things consist" (hold together - Colossians 1:17). This means that knowing His viewpoint gives order and meaning to specific areas of study.

  6. Sufficiency
    Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life" (John 14:6) and that "to know Him is to know life eternal" (John 17:3). Since life on earth for all mankind must end, no education is adequate which fails to properly prepare for both life and death. Christian education prepares us to die and to live: “He hath given to us all things that pertain to life and to godliness" (2 Peter 1:3). No person who knows Jesus "in whom all fullness dwells" (Colossians 1:19) and who knows God's Word (the Bible) need fear that his education is inadequate.

  7. Man
    Man was created in the image and likeness of God by God. Individuals exist for the pleasure and service of God. People are eternal beings and their ultimate destiny will be determined by their knowledge or lack thereof of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.

  8. Christian Education
    Implicit in Christian Education are these basic truths:

    • Man possesses a spiritual dimension (Genesis 1:26, 27)

    • Education involves the total being; the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social aspects of man that is, the “whole man" (Proverbs 9:9).

    • Each person possesses unique, individual potential traits and needs (Romans 12:3-8).

    • The educational experience must involve the development of Christian beliefs, attitudes, character, and skills (1 John 3:2).

    • An integration of Bible truth will be an inseparable and primary part of the total education process. Christian concepts will be unified with, from, and central to the academic offerings.

    • Youth need a steady influence while preparing to live in a complex society. Only the Bible has the answers to man's needs and longings, and therefore will serve as our final authority on all questions.